Why Saving Money on Travel Might Actually Cost You More: 5 Ways to Ensure Real Value for Your Next Trip

Oct 08, 2024By Lynne Cuthbertson
Lynne Cuthbertson

Why Saving Money on Travel Might Actually Cost You More: 5 Ways to Ensure Real Value for Your Next Trip

Determining value is tricky. What might seem like good value for one person could be a rip-off for another. This is especially true with larger expenses like house purchases, cars, gadgets, and, of course, travel. But when you’re talking about something as important as your hard-earned holiday, how do you really know you’re getting value for money?

More often than not, people tend to equate value with cheap—and this is where it can all go wrong.

So, stick with me for a few minutes (or skip to the end for the top 5 ways to spot true value), and I’ll show you how to navigate the minefield of pricing, trust, and ultimately, how to get real value for your next trip.

Cheap Isn’t Always Cheerful

Take Karen, for instance (loosely based on a true story, with names changed to protect the innocent). Karen wants to treat her fiancé to a long weekend in Amsterdam. Like many, she’s all about finding a good deal. So, she hops online and books bargain flights with a budget airline and grabs a cute little apartment on a travel website. Total cost? £189pp for 3 nights. A solid £60 saving compared to an agent's quote of £249pp. Karen feels like a genius.

Fast forward to two days before departure, and she gets an email saying her airline has gone bust. Flights cancelled. Panic ensues. Karen tries frantically to find a replacement flight, only to discover that last-minute tickets are now more than £300pp. The apartment booking? Non-refundable. So, Karen is down £378, has no holiday, and loses valuable time fighting with insurers and booking platforms for any sliver of hope.

So, let me ask: was Karen’s trip really good value for money? Or did that £60 “saving” actually end up costing her far more?

“Value” Is More Than Just A Number

Let’s take a moment to understand what real value actually means. It’s not about the cheapest price on the screen, but the peace of mind that comes with knowing that, should something go wrong, you’ve got someone in your corner.

Had Karen booked through an independent agent (like, I don’t know... me?), she’d have had ATOL protection, someone to manage the whole fiasco for her, and likely an alternative flight sorted before she even knew the original had been cancelled.

Sometimes the cheapest option can cost you dearly—in time, in stress, and often in actual money. But with a trusted agent, you get so much more than just a booking; you get protection, support, and a personalised service that makes sure you’re never left stranded.

Text TOP TIPS on paper in blue envelope. Business concept

Top Tips for Getting Real Value for Your Money

How do you avoid Karen’s fate? Here are five ways to ensure you’re getting real value for your holiday, without cutting corners:

1. Trust Your Gut
If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Whether it’s that “five-star luxury” for half the price or a £99 trip to somewhere exotic, be sceptical. Look beyond the headline price and ask yourself, “What’s the catch?” Hidden fees, unreliable service, or worse—you end up paying more in the long run.

2. Do Your Homework
It’s easy to get dazzled by shiny offers. But before clicking ‘book now’, take a minute to research. What do people say about the airline, hotel, or tour provider? Are they reliable? Do they come with proper financial protection like ATOL? A quick Google search could save you from a massive headache later.

3. Look at the Whole Picture
Cheap flights? Great. Now, what about the baggage fees, transfers, and accommodation? Some bargain-basement deals look fantastic until you realise that once you add the extras, you’re paying more than you would have with a full-service provider. Make sure you’re comparing like for like.

4. Consider What Could Go Wrong
Let’s be real. Things can go wrong. Flights get cancelled. Hotels overbook. Weather disrupts your plans. Ask yourself: in the worst-case scenario, do you have someone to sort it out for you? Value is as much about having a backup plan as it is about finding a good price.

5. Work with Someone You Trust
The reality is, big companies see you as just another booking reference number. They may not go out of their way to help if something goes wrong. But a trusted independent travel agent will be there to advocate for you and make sure you’re not left out in the cold. It’s this personal touch, and the care and attention you receive, that gives you real value—not just a cheap price tag.

Ending on a High: The Value of Peace of Mind

In the end, real value isn’t just about saving a few quid upfront—it’s about getting the most out of your holiday with as little stress as possible. The peace of mind you get from knowing that someone has your back, no matter what happens, is priceless.

So, next time you’re looking for a holiday, consider the true value of what you’re booking. Ask yourself: do I want to gamble with my time, money, and sanity, or do I want someone who’ll be in my corner every step of the way?

Real value is about more than just money—it’s about the experience, the peace of mind, and making sure you get what you’ve paid for. And that, my friend, is worth every penny.